In the field of Energy & Utilities, indecon offers its advice to governments, regulatory authorities and enterprises. Our expertise covers various areas, such as:
- Energy policy and legislative framework, including regulation
- Energy market development
- Restructuring and unbundling of energy utilities (electricity or gas)
- Climate change, renewable energies and energy efficiency
- Policy and Legislative Framework
Gas and electricity markets around the world are becoming increasingly liberalised. Expert advice is required in developing tailor-made policies and regulations and appraising the consequences of different policy options.
We support governments in developing appropriate energy policies, taking into account the particularities of the respective energy sectors (e.g. available resources and technology, regional framework conditions etc.). We also offer advice regarding the drafting of energy laws and their adjustment to international guidelines (international treaties, EU-law etc.). When regulating energy markets, many issues must be considered. For example:
- System operations (responsibilities and independence of the relevant stakeholders)
- The reliable functioning of power and gas systems
- Transmission systems (access, expansion, interconnection and maintenance)
- Contracting, tariff setting and pricing, investments and maintenance, information requirements
As well as offering expert advice on all of these issues indecon can also assist governments and regulatory authorities by providing support in the areas of:
- Institution and capacity building
- Development and implementation of organisational structures and procedures,
- Strategy development
- Compliance monitoring
- Market Liberalisation
Competition in supply and generation prompts companies to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Nevertheless, issues such as the security of supply, renewable energies, or risk minimisation remain on the agenda. The liberalisation of energy markets creates new challenges and a constantly changing environment. indecon supports energy companies with a full range of relevant services:
- Due diligence
- Market forecasts
- Contract reviews
- Asset valuation
- Short and long-term risk assessment
- Strategy development
- Transactions and investments
- Assessment of regulatory frameworks
- Training and workshops
- Restructuring and Unbundling
Market liberalisation typically requires unbundling and restructuring of vertically integrated state-owned and managed energy utilities into corporatised and commercially operating business units. These new entities have to face the challenges of market competition. Besides advice on the appropriate legal framework, we support restructuring and unbundling efforts by advising governments, regulators and private companies on the right approach to creating new entities and their interaction with one another. We also offer management consulting for the newly-created enterprises, to ensure a successful start to independence.
Renewables, Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Since the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and the related introduction of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) the emission of green house gases has become costly. Accordingly, a variety of interesting investment opportunities in the field of emission abatement and energy efficiency have emerged. The potential to increase energy efficiency and to renew infrastructure and industrial installations inthe transition countries of Eastern Europe offers many promising investment opportunities.Possible opportunities include the reduction of methane emissions from landfills and coal mines, renewable electricity generation and the reduction of energy use in district heating systems.
With our extensive network in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the CIS, indecon is the right choice for the initiation of projects. We focus on the project-based mechanisms, Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM).
Our services include:
- Identification of feasible projects and project partners
- Project development, including registration and documentation
- Project management
- Consulting services on emissions trade and carbon markets such as EU-ETS