In October 2018 indecon was awarded a SME related assignment by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The objectives of the assignment are to (i) identify SME related policies and reform initiatives in Uzbekistan, (ii) perform a survey among the country’s SMEs to identify current barriers to SME growth and competitiveness, (iii) formulate recommendations to mitigate barriers to SME, and (iv) disseminate the findings.
Analysis identified each of the following sectors as being competitive with high growth potential and significant job creation opportunities and were therefore considered suitable for inclusion in the survey: agri-industry (processing); textile and light industry (to include white consumer goods); construction materials and business supplies (e.g. packaging); tourism/hospitality; and ITC.
In the context of the kick-off meeting which took place at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan (UCCI), the initial selection of sectors to be included in the survey, and criteria for defining participating SMEs in the chosen sectors were presented, discussed and agreed.
The identified key challenges facing SMEs will be verified in face-to-face interviews and through online surveys.